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Launch of a knockout (KO) cell lines catalogue for a reagent supplier.


The client entered into a new market through acquisition with a product that competes with home brew CRISPR gene knockout (KO) cell lines. The marketing campaign needed to change the way scientists think about how they source KO cell lines and persuade them of the greater benefit of buying readymade cell lines from a catalogue despite a low awareness of their availability, usefulness and quality.


Customer research allowed us to quickly understand how customer needs could be met by a catalogue of products offered in a limited number of cell backgrounds. We identified customer segments where there was less concern about the cell background and more focus on the target of interest e.g. antibody and reagent validation and early stage target identification and confirmation studies.

The value proposition, messaging and marketing campaign were designed to build awareness using tools such as a search engine keyword strategy focussed on current, home brew behaviour, and shareable content to spread awareness.


Understanding of customer needs and the drivers of behaviour were critical to creating a marketing launch plan that could produce a sustained shift in use to readymade KO cell lines.

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